miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014
-:- New! @ Hello Tuesday, .ploom. & Cosmopolitan Sale Room -:-
➩ Campera & Camisa / Jacket & Shirt : [LG] Red Label - Barracuda Bagged 2 - L$ 99 ( 60 colores vía hud / 60 colors via hud ) - Hello Tuesday
➩ Falda / Skirt : NS:: Xplosion Mini Skirt with HUD - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Botas / Boots : [LG] Boutique-Parrow Thigh Strapped Boots - L$ 99 ( 60 colores vía hud / 60 colors via hud ) - Hello Tuesday
➩ Pelo / Hair : .ploom. Chance - Candy - L$ 250
➩ Appliers para Manos & Pies Slink / Slink´s Hand & Feet Appliers : !TLB - TSG Hunt - Vanity Slink Nails - Free ( 6 opciones / 6 options ) - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
➩ Piercing : *P* Flower Belly Piercing ~4 Textures~ (p-MESH) - L$ 50 - Hello Tuesday
➩ Tattoo : *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Sweet - L$ 50 ( 2 opciones / 2 options ) - Hello Tuesday
➩ Poses : BEPPIN ! K-PoP Girls Poses - L$ 100 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
martes, 29 de abril de 2014
* DrEaM fUlFiLlEd *
all dream of someday having a house on the beach, to get up in the morning and see couples walking hand in hand, watch the acrobatics of surfers riding the waves.
todos soñamos algún día tener una casa en la playa, para levantarte por la mañana y ver a las parejas pasear de la mano, ver las acrobacias de los surfers montando las olas.
this beautiful decoration can be found in the CSR event.
esta bella decoración la pueden encontrar en el evento CSR.
Stool : Soy. Stool set (orange and yellow) *CSR*
Block : [we're CLOSED] block letters colors *CSR*
The Latest From here :: K :: this spectacular tank top that comes with your hud to change colors (8 different colors). Pants are Store [Bay Harbor] good they come in 4 different colors (black, brown, dark blue, Burgundy). This superb tattoo you will be able to find at the event She & Him.
aquí lo nuevo de ::K:: esta espectacular Tank Top que viene con su hud para cambiar de colores (8 colores diferentes). Los pantalones son de la tienda [Bay Harbor] muy buenos que vienen en 4 colores diferentes (negro,marron,azul oscuro,Burgundy). Este excelente tatuaje lo podran encontrar en el evento She & Him.
Tank : ::K:: My Daily Tank Top *NEW*
Pant : [Bay Harbor] Chino (Black)
Sneakers : UBU PornStar Lo-Tops
Hair base : AITUI - 5 Etched Hair Bases - A star, A star
Hair : [BURLEY]_Sammy_Blacks
Hand : Slink AvEnhance Hands Male - Relax
Tatto : SOURIRES TATTOOS. - Phoenix TATTOO (Unisex-SLINK) *S&H*
Pose : *ED* Shoots 01 (pack) *CSR*
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014
* Cosmopolitan Sale Room - Men's *
hello friends =), here are some items of the new round of cosmo that started today.
hola amigos =), aquí les dejo algunos items de la nueva ronda de cosmo que arrancó hoy.
Shirt : Living Vintage - Colazo Shirt *CSR*
Cigarette : [NikotiN] LOVE ME
Hair : **Dura-Boys&Girls**20
Facial hair : [IC] (Facial Hair) Full Heavy Beard .::Sinner::. Black
Eyes : Amacci ~ Fudge Eyes - All 20 Colors
Hand : Slink AvEnhance Hands Male - Relax
Pant's : [:: JesyDream ::] WILD Suspender Jeans Beige PLAID *CSR*
T-Shirt : [:: JesyDream ::] Long Sleeve Top Brown Mouse *CSR GITF*
Hair : [BURLEY]_Sofian_Blacks
HeadPhones : To Be Unique - DJ-H2
domingo, 27 de abril de 2014
RoCk AnD rOlL bAbY...
take the stage for the first time is the best feeling in the world, nerves invade me, see so many people waiting for you, and feel you're going to give them your best to your fans.
here we are closing the concert giving tribute to Guns and Roses with one of their best songs "Sweet Child O 'Mine".
Here I give you these exclusive poses: Focus Poses: for the Pose fair. 155L fee is set with 14 poses, stage guitar. this very good. another thing, remember that the shoes are in 99L promo yet.
Pant : [Pumpkin]Low jeans (black plaid)
Tattoo : Letis Tattoo :: Enif Sleeve Tattoo :: H13002 :
sábado, 26 de abril de 2014
-:- Último Día de Cosmopolitan Sale Room -:-
➩ Top : KATHAARIAN - Adore You Top - Black Leather - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Jeans : Asteria Creations - Kelly High Waist Jeans - Blue - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Sandalias / Sandals : AsHmOoT_SS Coll_Sasha Sandals Heels_Ebony - L$ 299 ( Puede usarse con o sin Pies Slink / Can be worn with pr without Slink Feet ) - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Poses : *ED* Stylish 01 - L$ 180 - New! @ Pose Fair
-:- Cleaning Sale @ .:Glow Designs:. -:-
➩ Vestido / Dress : .:GD:. Harker Blouson Dress Mesh in 5 Sizes - L$ 60
➩ Pose : {NanTra} Shoe-aholic Pose Pack - L$ 70 ( Incluye el zapato / Includes the shoe ) - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
TrUcK dRiVeR
truckers, toured all states carrying loads north to south and from east to west, whatever they say we are the kings of the roads.
Being a truck driver is not for everyone, you must leave your family for many days but that does not make the wrong move on the entire trip, every night a good round of beer with other truckers always good to start the day in the best way and know each kilometer're closer to go home!
When we arrive to destination we have some time to clear our mind and relax, but then again when we see beautiful women it's like an obligation for us to say a compliment..possibly making them smile but some others... OK better not to tell about it!
ADADRIATIC line, is conducting a sale weekend, where you can find this complete set only 59L (what you see in the picture is all inclusive, from sunglasses to shoes), the poses are the new release of Focus Poses, the pack has 9 poses of good quality, you can play with different mesh models hands me the price of the pack is 100L and 15L individually!. thank you very much Liaranne Lavalette for posing in the picture! : D
-:- [SP] + Cosmopolitan Sale Room -:-
➩ Top : [SP] MESH Knotted Tank - Stripes - L$ 175 ( 10 colores intercambiables vía hud / 10 interchangeable colors via hud )
➩ Short : [-S-] Tart Shorts - Lace - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Poses : BePPin ! The Editorial Couple Pose 1 & BePPin ! The Editorial Couple Pose 3 - L$ 70 cada una / each one - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
viernes, 25 de abril de 2014
hello people! here I leave the new release of LAVAROCK CREATIONS! these very good shoes urban style that comes in 15 different designs that you can use to your liking with Hud. for this week as an introductory offer to find everything 99L (original price 150L).
hola gente! aquí les dejo el nuevo lanzamiento de LAVAROCK CREATIONS! estas muy buenas zapatillas de estilo urbano que viene en 15 diseños diferentes que puedes utilizar a tu gusto con el Hud. por esta semana como oferta de lanzamiento todo lo encontraras a 99L (precio original 150L).
Capri : Apple May Designs - Male Camo Cargo Capri's - Dolphin *25L*
T-Shirt : flow . t-shirts embau
Ears : AITUI [MESH] - Stretched Ears - 1" Plug Pack
Eyes : Mayfly - Luminous - Mesh Eyes (Midnight Oil) *New*
jueves, 24 de abril de 2014
-:- Cosmopolitan Sale Room + Maitreya + TSG Vanity Hunt -:-
➩ Vestido / Dress : [LG]KC Sp14 Beating Heart Dress - L$ 75 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Collar / Necklace : ~*S.E.*~ TSG Sinner's Hunt Prize - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
➩ Legwarmers : Maitreya V.I.P. Group Gift - Leather LegWarmers - Free - Regalo de Grupo / Group Gift ( Join L$ 0 y trae un hud con diferentes texturas para elegir / and brings a hud with different textures to choose from )
➩ Sandalias / Sandals : HOLLY MESH RED GENEVIVE PLATFORM HEELS - L$ 99 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Cartera / Bag : ::Duh!:: Suede & Bamboo Handbag - Colorchange - L$ 20
➩ Applier para Manos & Pies Slink / Slink Hand & Feet Appliers : DP - Koffin Nails - Mirror Mirror - TSG Hunt Vanity - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
➩ Poses : *ED* Baggies - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Portaretrato / Portrait : ~IO~ Gothic Portrait Slide Show (Blk) - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift ( Podés agregarle todas tus fotos y sólo ocupa 8 prims / You can add all your pics and it´s only 8 prims )
➩ Muebles & Alfombra / Furniture & Rug : -OPd- Boudoir Dressing Mirror(PG) - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift ( Viene con diferentes poses que no se muestran en la foto / It has different poses not shown on pic )
*ED* Pose Fair 2014
Hello friends! here I leave the exclusive products of * ED * poses for the fair! some beautiful poses for couples and 2 pack of poses for very good men. the mesh of the second photo hands are a 1L in the Cheerno not miss!
hola amigos! aqui les dejo los productos exclusivos de *ED* para la feria de poses! unas hermosas poses para parejas y 2 pack de poses para hombres muy bueno. las manos mesh de la segunda foto estan a 1L en Cheerno no se las pierdan!
Slip : Slip Mesh with HUD *Free*
*ED* Debut 02 *Pose Fair exclusive*
miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014
-:- Los opuestos se atraen... -:-
➩ Skin : PELLE SKIN - ERIKA LIMITED EDITION SKIN with applier - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Outfit Blanco / White Outfit : M&M-SUKI DRESS MESH-COSMO - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Outfit Negro / Black Outfit : ModaMia Day To Night Spaghetti Black - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Poses : *ED* Alea 01 - L$ 180 - Pose Fair Exclusive
[:: JesyDream ::]
if you like rock you can not miss this great jacket and pants Store [:: JesyDream ::], the jacket comes in 5 different colors (black, red, blue, green and gray) plus a version without the shirt below!
Jacket : [:: JesyDream ::] Long Sleeve Shirt Rock - RED *New*
pants : [:: JesyDream ::] WILD Suspender Jeans Black PLAID
Hair : RAW HOUSE :: Khaos
Shoes : [ JP ]:dsg. - HighPads / black
Pose : [Expressive Poses] - David
martes, 22 de abril de 2014
-:- New @ Hello Tuesday! -:-

➩ Outfit : Munereia- Petal - L$ 50 ( 4 combinaciones vía hud / 4 copmbinations via hud ) - Hello Tuesday
➩ Poses con Mariposas / Poses with Butterflies : Butterflies 1 With mesh Butterfly & Butterflies 3 With Mesh Butterfly & Butterflies 4 With Mesh Butterfly - L$ 20 cada una / each one - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Pelo / Hair : TRUTH HAIR Fleur - black & whites - L$ 200
lunes, 21 de abril de 2014
CoUnTrY aNd CiTy!
a very good pose to take a souvenir with your partner!, can be found in the CSR just 70L! Thanks Matt and Kashmir to pose in the picture!
una muy buena pose para tomarse un lindo recuerdo con su pareja!, la pueden encontrar en CSR a solo 70L! gracias Matt y Kashmir por posar en la foto!
Pose : *ED* Promise Of Love *CSR*
those cute pants and Hoodies also were found in the CSR, the pants comes in male and female version, available in 3 colors (black, gray, red) at a price of 125L. The hoodie is available in 7 different colors (black, blue, red, brown, Burgundy, Tan and green) and is priced at 70L, this excellent pose! Store is Expressive Poses. pose pack has 7 poses good quality for your photos and costs only 150L.
esos lindos pantalones y el Hoodies tambien los encontraran en CSR, el pantalon viene en version femenina y masculina, esta disponible en 3 colores (negro,gris,rojo) a un precio de 125L. el hoodie esta disponible en 7 colores diferentes (negro,azul,rojo,marron,Burgundy,Tan y verde) y su precio es de 70L, esta excelente pose! es de la tienda Expressive Poses. el pack de poses cuenta con 7 poses de buena calidad para tus fotos y cuesta solo 150L.
Pant : etham - Track Pants - Black *CSR*
Hoodie : [mT] Men's Hoodie - Black *CSR*
Pose : [Expressive Poses] - Austin
domingo, 20 de abril de 2014
-:- New @ Silly, Spoiled, Whore! -:-
➩ Armario / Wardrobe : GLITTERATI - The Shopaholic's Closet - Free
➩ Maniquí / Mannequin : RO - Dress Form Mannequin Container - Free - Regalo de Grupo / Group Gift
➩ Planta / Plant : [SP] Purple Heart Plant in White Vase - L$ 50 ( Por jugada / Per Play ) - [SP] @ The April Showers Cart Sale
➩ Gatitos / Kittens : -SSW- Kitty Figaro Plush RARE! & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 03 & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 06 & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 07 & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 08 & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 09 & -SSW- Kitty Kawai Plush 10 & -SSW- Kitty Marie Plush RARE! & -SSW- Kitty Pusheen Plush RARE! - L$ 50 ( Por jugada / Per Play ) - SSW @ The Comic Fair Gacha
➩ Outfit : -SSW- Casual Outfit 03 - L$ 99 - SSW @ Soho Market
➩ Pelo / Hair : [LNS Designs] SOLSTICE DEUX - NECESSITY PACK - L$ 247* ( Por motivo del cumpleaños de la owner hay de regalo una gift card por L$ 250, sólo tenés que darte tp a la tienda y tocar el cartel con un globo celeste encima / Because of the owner´s b-day there´s a free gift card for L$ 250, all you have to do is tp to the store and click the sign with the cyan balloon attached to it )
➩ Gatitos / Kittens : -SSW- Kitty Grumpy Head RARE! & -SSW- Kitty Polka Dots Plush 03 - L$ 50 ( Por jugada / Per Play ) - SSW @ The Comic Fair Gacha
➩ Remeras / T-shirts : -SSW- T-Shirt BatJoker! & -SSW- T-Shirt Super-Galaxy! & -SSW- T-Shirt Superman's Mommy & -SSW- T-Shirt Catwoman - L$ 99 - SSW @ The Comic Fair
➩ Applier para Manos & Pies Slink / Slink Hands & Feet Applier : -{ZOZ}- Wild Silver Polish (Slinks) - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Poses : *ED* Alea 02 - Not Free - New @ Pose Fair 2014
viernes, 18 de abril de 2014
..:: OPOPOP Design for Male // Comics Fair 2014 //
these shirts are great new items OPOPOP. For Fair Comics 2014, as you can see they come in a variety of designs!
jueves, 17 de abril de 2014
-:- Glow Designs + Envious + LNS Designs -:-
➩ Pelo / Hair : [LNS Designs] CAPRICA - LUCKY PINK PACK - Free - Lucky Chair ( Viene en 2 tonos: rosa y violeta / Comes in 2 colors: pink and purple )
➩ Conejos / Bunnies : :.Envious.: Bunneh Aqua + :.Envious.: Bunneh Cutie Brown + :.Envious.: Bunneh Cutie Pink + :.Envious.: Bunneh Elite Blue ( Hud para cambiar orejas & cuernos / Hud changes ears & horns ) + :.Envious.: Bunneh Purple + :.Envious.: Bunneh Tan - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
** It´s a Free Hunt but you need to wear the Group tag ( Join L$ 150 ). You need to find 30 easter eggs scattered across the sim. Good Luck!!
➩ Body & Medias / Body & Fishnets : :.Envious.: Bunny Babe - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
➩ Orejas & Accesorios / Ears & Accesories : .:Glow Designs:. Bunny Girl Silver - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Conejo 1 / Bunny 1 : :.Envious.: Bunny Buddies - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
➩ Conejo 2 / Bunny 2 : :.Envious.: Bunneh CBlack - Free - Regalo de Cacería / Hunt Gift
CoSmOpOlItAn SaLe RoOm FoR mEn
Hello friends! I'm bringing a new round of CSR! some of the things that we find for men! : D as always very good and at a good price!
This set can be purchased separately on the shop ZEITGEIST! priced at 50L each item! : D
Pant : TOM! Jeans by ZEITGEIST -grunge
T-Shirt : GALLIFREY! Longsleeve -grey - by ZEITGEIST
these 3 excellent T-Shirt, of excellent quality, are the new items :: :: Gojo also brings two sneakerts Black and gray colors!
the price? T-shirt only 60L each!
Sneakerts to the 55L each!
T-Shirt : ::gojo:: Mens T-Shirts College
T-Shirt : ::gojo:: Mens T-Shirts Injun
T-Shirt : ::gojo:: Mens T-Shirts 60s
this great jacket from [:: Jesy Dream ::], comes in 2 colors, in black and blue! at a very good price only 70L each!
Jacket : [:: JesyDream ::] Jean's Jacket BLACK / shirt Men
miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014
-:- New @ Hello Tuesday! -:-
➩ Vestido / Dress : FOREVER SUMMER Black Brigade Strapless Summer Dress - L$ 55
➩ Top : MINI NET TOP BLACK W/LOLA APLL BY AURA BLUE - L$ 65 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Mini / Skirt : Blow-Up - Miniskirt Zipped - Red Tartan - L$ 100
➩ Aros / Earrings : *P* Izar Earrings ~Platinum~ (P.MESH) - L$ 50
➩ Pelo / Hair : Alice Project - Vicious - Infinity - L$ 175
martes, 15 de abril de 2014
StEaLiNg HeArTs!
Hello friends! this set of Munereia! the event will be on Hello Tuesday! a very good price! only 50L. do not miss.
looks great, also comes with 8 different colors of shirts. 3 different styles of pants that come in 2 colors!
to women love men dressing well! so take advantage of this low price, and salt to steal some hearts!
lunes, 14 de abril de 2014
GoOd PuNcH iN tHe PrIcE!
Hello friends, here I come quickly to bring the new Apple May, a great short come in 6 different colors and this week will be able to find in the store 25L Men! not lose value are in launch price!
Short : Apple May Designs - Sweat Shorts - Black *New**Promo*
Skin : AK Gary Full Beard Nat *New*
Shape : AKERUKA Neo Shape
Tattoo : [Sleepy Bozer] - Flutters
Sneakers : DEF! Sneakers/Falsetto/Black White & Red
Poses : STAKEY - Fighter
domingo, 13 de abril de 2014
-:- Eternal Dream + Cosmopolitan Sale Room -:-
➩ Pelo / Hair : ( r e d ) M i n t ~ gG 02'14 - Free - Regalo de grupo / Group Gift
➩ Pose de Pareja + Conejo / Couple Pose + Rabbit : *ED* BunnyHop Gacha - RARE - 50L por jugada / per play
➩ Sweater con Camisa / Sweater with Shirt : Ninety- Sugar Pink Sweater Whit Shirt Mesh & HUD - 2 versiones / 2 versions - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Collar / Necklace : AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Dolly Pearls&Rose Necklace_Soft Pink - 49L - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Anillos / Rings : AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Dolls Rose Ring_Soft Pink ( 49L ) & AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Opals Rings Set_Shocking Salmon&Soft Pink ( 49L ) - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Cartera / Bag : Perch - Bunny Bag - Mint - 59L - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Zapatos / Shoes : -SSW- Preppy Heels 02 - Free - Regalo de grupo / Group Gift
➩ Poses + Conejos : *ED* BunnyHop Gacha - COMMONS - 50L por jugada / per play ( 5 Poses )
Hello friends, here I bring the new release of \ m / lavarock CREATIONS \ m /, these excellent long-sleeved shirts for men, comes in 3 different designs, as you can see in the photos. each design comes in five different colors. As for this week's launch will be the promo FatPack to 99L (normal price 199l).
sábado, 12 de abril de 2014
-:- Cosmopolitan Sale Room & Eternal Dream -:-
➩ Outfit con Falda / Outfit with Skirt : [LG] KC Sp 14 How do You Do Outfit - L$ 75 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Camisa / Shirt : IAF Cropped Blouse (Floral) - L$ 35 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Tattoo del Tobillo / Ankle Tattoo : *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Free - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Tattoo de las Piernas / Leg Tattoo : *Sweet Cherry* Legs Tattoo Hearts - L$ 55 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Pelo / Hair : /Wasabi Pills/ Kylee Mesh Hair - Not Free
➩ Applier de Uñas para Manos & Pies Slink / Slink Nail Appliers for Hands & Feet : -{ZOZ}- Daisy Chain Gold Poloish (Slinks) & -{ZOZ}- Daisy Chain Silver Poloish (Slinks) - L$ 70 - Cosmopolitan Sale Room
➩ Poses con Pájaros / Bird Poses : Eternal Dream Pose Gacha - Birdies - L$ 50 por jugada / per play ( 5 Poses ) - Feeb's Street Gacha Event
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